- Gunung puyehue di Cordon Caulle, yg berada di Chili meletus setelah 50 tahun dlm keadaan tenang. Pemerintah pun segera mengevakuasi ribuan warga saat abu vulkanik menyembur setinggi 10 km ke langit. pemerintah melakukan evakuasi setelah sebelumnya sempat terjadi gempa bumi. berikut adlh foto-foto spektakuler saat meletusnya gunung berapi tersebut dan efeknya terhadap Chili dan Argentina. Klik gambar untk memperbesar
Power of nature: Lightning bolts strike around the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic chain in Chile which began erupting in June
Spectacular: A time-lapse photo shows lightning bolts striking around the Puyehue-Cordon Caulle volcanic chain
As a precaution, the government said it was evacuating 3,500 people from the surrounding area
Nature"s force: Lightning and volcanic fire is seen amid and underneath a towering cloud of ash. It is the first time the volcano has erupted in 50 years
Incredible lightening bolts strike around the plume of volcanic ash and smoke
An extraordinary cloud formation is created by the ash rising several miles into the atmosphere
Above cloud level the plume looks like a nuclear bomb has just exploded with its mushroom cloud bursting towards the skies
A woman wipes a thick layer of volcanic ash away from the windscreen of her car
Headlights on, a car creeps through a street covered in ash. One could be forgiven for thinking this was a wintry scene covered in snow
Caught in the sunlight: Beautiful but deadly, the cloud turns fiery red in the sunshine as the eruption continues to belch ash skyward
Smiling lightning: As molten rock and gases are ejected from the core of the volcano below, what appears to be a "have a nice day" face is formed from the electrically charged airs
sumber :infounikz2
Rabu, 20 Mei 2015
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