Success, Install Xampp and Make MySql Database
Tonight, 1 pm March 4, 2014. I tried how to installed Xampp and making Mysql Database. Xampp is a web server application. Web server is a applic ation for save files and data to make website. Xampp is mean too as a data service in web browser. The function of web server as receiver of request a client page and send the result that's asked in web page. Xampp can download in After you download it, install xampp with steps :
1. click xampp-win32-3.2.1-installer.exe (or newer version)
2. installation language, click ok
3. setup, click next, i agree, install, and finish.
4. running xampp control panel on your desktop. Or from start>all programs>xampp>xampp control panel
5. Turn on or click start the apache and mysql.

6. So you can using xampp. After the web server's activated, save your files web in folder C:>xampp>hotdocs
Now, you have finished install xampp and mysql as your database. Now i want to share how to share making the database using mysql. We will make a newspaper database, make ta bles into database, and connect to database. Let's started !
1. Open your web browser and type : http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
2. In menu click : creat new database (mysql is a application that used to make query in making a database, table or data manipulation. Here you can learn how to make database using query mysql.
3. In phpmyadmin page click mysql then type command to make database "newspaper" : create database newspaper

4. Click Go to running command, or other way you can type the database name in column create new database then click create
5. After you make newspaper database, click database newspaper to make tables thats needed.
6.The commands to make table in database newspaper are :
=> make table kategori

=> make table isi_berita
=> make table user

7. Insert data in table, click kategori table then click insert menu and fiill out the column as image below :

8. Insert data in table, click isi_berita then click insert menu and fill out the column as image below :

10. Last step, type this command and put the file .php in folder htdocs

10. Then try to open the address : http://localhost/beritaonline/koneksi.php
"berhasil" good luck you success to finished this one !
Thank you and see you in part 2
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