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Tomo Choco Making/友チョコ作り

Tomo Choco Making/友チョコ作り I know I wrote something about this years ago I just can't find the original post : / Valentine's Day is another big commercial event in Japan. chocolate companies make half of their annual sales. and Tomo Chocolate. i remember seeing about valentines day and white day in a detective conan On Valentine's Day, it's common for Japanese women to give chocolates to men. Women are encouraged to express love to men by giving chocolates and other gifts.

Yesterday was a national holiday in Japan, and my daughter made three different types of chocolate sweet. I was a very capable assistant. 昨日は日本では国民の休日で、娘は3種類のチョコ菓子を作りました。私は有能なアシスタントでした! The 13 x 18 cm vat and the rubber spatula, both bought at a 100-yen shop, are new additions to the kitchen. 13 x 18 cmのバットとゴムべら(ともに100円ショップで購入)は、我が家の新たなキッチンアイテムです。 Tomo Choco Making/友チョコ作り She prepared 18 of such bags in total こんな袋を全部で18個も用意しました。 Tomo Choco Making/友チョコ作り all of which will be given to her female (not male) friends. My daughter is not alone; most of her friends do the same thing around this time of year. すべて女友達(男友達ではなく)にあげるものです。娘だけではなく、娘の友達の大半はこの時期、同じことをします。 To ensure that she would succeed in making tomo choco, I bought this high-performance kitchen scale. 娘が友チョコ作りに成功するよう、私は高性能な料理用はかりを買いました。 Tomo Choco Making/友チョコ作り Capable of measurement in 0.1 g units! Very impressive! 0.1 g単位で測れます。すごいです! Tomo Choco Making/友チョコ作り

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