Nisekoi Majikore Version 1.1.4 - Aplikasi untuk smartphone buatan Konami ni mengutamakan interaksi antara pengguna smartphone dgn karakter-karakter heroine yg berasal dari serial Nisekoi.
gampangnya, pd game ni kalian bebas menyentuh dan mendandani karakter kalian dgn kostum-kostum yg disediakan.
Aplikasi ni hanya untuk berbagai jenis smartphone/tablet pc Apple yg memakai OS (minimal) iOS 5.0 diantaranya iPhone4, iPad2, iPod touch generasi ke-4 serta semua jenis smartphone/tablet pc Android dgn OS (minimal) versi Android 2.3.3 ke atas
NB : membutuhkan koneksi internet
yg jones yg ga kuat nebeng kuota buat nge-rape nih game, mending jangan bunuh diri wkwkwk
Yosh, Nisekoi Majikore Version 1.1.4 ni adalah update-an dari Versi 1.1.3
silahkan di download
▼ Ver1.1.4 updateinformation▼
You have just added· SPcostume(it will be at a later datedelivery)
▼of customer notices▼
"Nisekoi Majikore!?" Thank you for advertisingthe.
"Nisekoi Majikore!?" Became athingwhere I am allowed toterminate the serviceWomochimashiteDecember 26, 2014(Friday) 10:00.
As wellsaythanksthatI receivedyour patronagetothis, our customersandwe apologizetoyouhave youenjoy.
Regardingfuture plans,
I will inform youat thein-app"Notice" or"our officialsite".
Itwill bea shortperiodofserviceuntilthe end, but continue to"Nisekoi Majikore!?" Thank youto.
※ Aftertermination of the services,you will notbe able tolaunch the app.
Also, you can notbe heardrefundofpaiditems that have beenpurchasedonce.
In advance for your understandingasI ask.
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