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[Team GFX Bandits] ▆ ▇ ▉ Bootanimation Hub™ ▉ ▇ ▆
#Bootanimation Hub™: You request, We Design..
TEAM GFX Bandits
If you are looking for some cool looking, beautiful Bootanimation, then you are at the right place..!
I will Make the Bootanimation of Any video Which you want As your bootanimation.
@People I Am Not Responsible for Any Bootloop.
Requirements:- 1.Provide The Video OR Images Which You want to make your Botanimation.
2.Provide the number of files Frames You Want In Your Bootaniamtions.
3.Tell Me the Width and Height You Want.
4.Please Wait And give Sufficient time To Make and upload. AS I Am On 2G Network
All Bootanimations Will Be Uploaded with @Dropbox
Our Team :
To Team Members Upload Your Bootaniamtions To Dropbox And Share Me The Link of the Folder
Will Add Many People If you think you can make Bootanimations PM me.
With Some off the bootanimation you made.
I'll have a look at it and u'll become a part of our team..!
Wait for Atleast 24Hrs before bumping the Same Request Again.
Thankyou,2.Provide the number of files Frames You Want In Your Bootaniamtions.
3.Tell Me the Width and Height You Want.
Means The Resolution |
All Bootanimations Will Be Uploaded with @Dropbox
Our Team :
To Team Members Upload Your Bootaniamtions To Dropbox And Share Me The Link of the Folder
Will Add Many People If you think you can make Bootanimations PM me.
With Some off the bootanimation you made.
I'll have a look at it and u'll become a part of our team..!
Wait for Atleast 24Hrs before bumping the Same Request Again.
If you're looking for cool Signatures, check out the brother thread of Bootanimation Hub™ :
Signatures HUB™
The request's When I am online.
Will be processed Fast
Read Before You Ask:-
You may want to check with your ROM or Kernel Developer some ROMs and Kernels require a Mod to Change Bootanimations.
Have you been able to change to any other boot animation with the setup you currently have?
If Yes Then Only Request.
Apply the Mod then Apply For Bootanimation.
I am Not asking For any Donation Just donate me some for your Thanks
But Please Atleast Press THANKS once u Receive your desired BootAnimation by Me ||OR|| Team
As there is hard work and dedication towards XDA......
My Complete Works
Dropbox Folder Of All Bootanimations As requested In the thread.
Don't Forget to Hit Thanks Button
Guys Just Wanted to share A Trick with you.
You can just watch your bootanimation without rebooting your phone.
1. Only if you are rooted.
2. Open terminal emulator.
3. Type su
4. Enter.
5. Type bootanimation
6. Enter.
7. After you finished watching the bootanimation Just press 2 times back button.
8. Congratulations. You ate done
How to change your bootanimation
1.You should be rooted.
2. Your rom and kernel should support the custom bootanimation.
3. Open ROOT Explorer .
4. Navigate to System/media/
5. Paste the boot animation .
6. Change the permission to rw- r-- r--
7. Congratulations you changed your Bootanimation Successfully.
Our Team Video Channels Of Bootanimation
Here are our YouTube channels:
Thankyou For Your Cooperation.
For request Of your own Bootaniamtion You Can Request On Xda
For this You Need To Be A member of XDA .
If not then Register and Request.
Refferal: zeuscluts-------------------_WARNING _ ---------------------No Request Here In comment will Be accepted--Please Co-operate.
Request Here
source :,,
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