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50 SMS Ucapan Selamat Pagi Bahasa Inggris

SMS Ucapan Selamat Pagi Bahasa Inggris | Pada artikel sebelumnya tentang SMS Ucapan Selamat Pagi Terbaik, banyak yang menanyakan 'kok gak ada yang berbahasa inggris?'. Mungkin biar pada terlihat gaul dan keren kalau ucapan selamat paginya memakai bahasa inggris. Untuk itu kali ini kembali saya membuat artikel tentang SMS Ucapan Selamat Pagi Bahasa Inggris.

50 SMS Ucapan Selamat Pagi Bahasa Inggris
  1. Night has ended yesterday,
    50 SMS Ucapan Selamat Pagi Bahasa Inggris
    morning brings another day.
    May you smile like the sunny rays
    and leave your worries at the bright blue bay.
    Good Morning!
  2. It makes me so happy,
    this is what I’m gonna do,
    Send a good morning message
    right back to you,
    Good Morning my Friend.
  3. 5 Steps to a Lovely Morning:
    Open your eyes.
    Take a deep breath.
    Throw aside the covers.
    Get up from bed.
    And read my message.
    Good Morning my love.
  4. New day, new blessing. Don't let yesterday's failures ruin the beauty of today, because each day has its own promise of love, joy, forgiveness.....
    Good Morning...
  5. All mornings are like Paintings: You need a little inspiration to get going, the outline of a smile on your face and a message from someone who cares to color your day. Good Morning.
  6. Wakeup & Wink those Teeny Weeny Eyes. Stretch those Inzy Winzy Bones, Wear that Jolly Winning smile & tell yourself today is a beautiful day...
    Good Morning!
  7. Every bad situation has something positive...Even a Clock that has stopped is correct twice a day. So have faith and face the day. Good Morning!
  8. I woke up one day and thought something was missing. So I got up from my bed, grabbed my cell phone and sent you a morning greeting. Good Morning!
  9. Smile! Because you have just received a text message from someone who cares. Good Morning!
  10. One of the joys in life is waking up each day with the thought that somewhere, someone cares enough to send you a warm morning greeting! Good morning and enjoy the day!
  11. Smile can open a heart faster than
    a key can open a door..So brighten the world with your smiles. Good Morning!
  12. God gives us dreams at night so that we can turn them into reality during the day. Good Morning and have a successful day.
  13. On the dark horizon soon
    new light rays will appear.
    They will signify to all the world
    a brand new day is here
    Good Morning
  14. A Morning is a Wonderful Blessing, whether Cloudy or Sunny.
    It stands for Hope, giving us another start at what we call Life.
    Have a Good Morning & a Nice Day.
  15. Life is like a book. Each day like a new page. So let the first words you write be Good Morning to you my love!
  16. Do you know how good it feels to wake up every day
    And know that you are mine
    And I am yours?
    Good Morning and Love You.
  17. Night has gone and the moon too,
    The sun has risen on a sky so blue
    Open your eyes,
    There’s a message for you – Good Morning!
  18. May you notice the beauty of the morning,
    See the glory of the sunshine, feel the moments
    of the day and hear from a friend who cares. Good Morning!
  19. Did you feel a little warm in the morning?
    I sent you a couple of hugs in my thoughts! Good Morning my Sweet!
  20. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.
    Live the life you have imagined.
    Have a Good Morning and a Great Day!
  21. As you wake up today, ask yourself what you would be,
    And then go out and do what you have to do. Have a Great Morning!
  22. Not everything is meant to be, but everything is worth a try.”
    Good Morning and a Great Day!
  23. It takes only a moment to be kind, but the result can last a lifetime.
    Thanks for your many acts of kindness…Good Morning to You!
  24. Always keep
    your words
    soft and
    and sweet,
    just in
    case you
    have to
    eat them.
    good morning!
  25. If the bus doesn’t move…
    Start walking!
    Here’s the message-
    Stop complaining, do something.
    Good Morning and Enjoy your day.
  26. When we think about problems they grow double; but when we laugh about them, they become bubbles. Quit worrying and Good Morning!
  27. Train your mouth and heart such that you can say the right way for the right reasons. Good Morning and have a Good Day!
  28. Let go of what kills you. And hold on to what keeps you breathing. Good Morning!
  29. Anyone can slay a dragon, but try waking up every morning and loving the world all over again. That’s what takes a real hero. God bless and Good Morning!
  30. There are many stars but the Moon is U,
    There r many friends but the best is U,
    To forget me is up to U,
    To gorget U is something I'll never do!
    *** Good Morning ***!
  31. I'm thinking of you and wish you a great day I want the best for you and hope things go your way.

  32. You have a cute yawn on your face, a cup of coffee in your hands. All that remains is a good morning message from me. Have a great morning!
  33. Night has ended yesterday,
    morning brings another day.
    May you smile like the sunny rays
    and leave your worries at the bright blue bay.
    Good Morning!
  34. It makes me so happy,
    this is what I’m gonna do,
    Send a good morning message
    right back to you,
    Good Morning my Friend.

  35. 5 Steps to a Lovely Morning:
    Open your eyes.
    Take a deep breath.
    Throw aside the covers.
    Get up from bed.
    And read my message.
    Good Morning my love.

  36. I woke up one day and thought something was missing. So I got up from my bed, grabbed my cell phone and sent you a morning greeting. Good Morning!

  37. Did you feel a little warm in the morning?
    I sent you a couple of hugs in my thoughts! Good Morning my Sweet!
  38. Welcome a New Day with a Smile on your Lips and a Good Thought in your Heart.
  39. Breathe.
    Let Go.
    And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. Good Morning
  40. Lovely wishes 2 a Lovely Person on a Lovely Day.
  41. Always ask God to give you what you deserve & not what you desire.
    Your desires may be few but you deserve a lot.
    Have a Great Day!
  42. Someday somehow whatever you prayed for will come true
    it may not be in the exact package you wanted
    but it'll be what God thinks is best for you.
    Have Faith Today.
  43. Confidence comes naturally with success.
    But success comes only
    to those who are confident
    so, begin your day with confidence.
  44. You can’t bring back yesterday,
    You can’t look into tomorrow.
    So the only gift you have is today.
    That is why it’s called the present.
  45. You have a cute yawn on your face,
    A cup of coffee in your hands.
    All that remains is a good morning message from me.
    Have a great morning!
  46. There are many stars but the Moon is U,
    There are many friends but the Best is U,
    To forget Me is up to U,
    To forget U is something I’ll never do!
    ***Good Morning***!
  47. I'm thinking of you
    And wish you a great day
    I want the best for you
    and hope things go your way.
  48. Sweet be the home where you tarry,
    Light be the load that you carry.
    Smooth be the road where you proceed,
    Happy be the day that you foresee!
  49. A smile is -
    The lighting system of the face,
    The cooling system of the brain
    The healing system of the heart.
    Keep smiling always.
    Have a Nice Day
  50. A Morning is like a True Friend
    You can’t have them with you always
    But you can be sure they’ll be around
    When you wake up today, tomorrow and forever
    Good Morning, My Friend!
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